While enjoying the after-show buzz at Controlled Chaos’ Chaos Nights II, I got talking with several folks about what’s next, which reminded me that I never actually wrote anything about the fact that I’m now an Artistic Associate at Cyborphic!
Look, I’m on the website!
Cyborphic is some cool folks who are into classical theatre AND sci-fi theatre AND the intersection of both. We’re creating new theatre, and raising awareness about the stuff that’s already out there. Sci-fi theatre honestly isn’t THAT niche, you’ve seen more than you think! Folks are just shy about talking it up because they think they’re going to get sidelined as being too genre, or too geek, or too whatever. We’re not worried about that; we just like sci-fi and we want to see more of it onstage. Having run two successful festivals and several more workshops, Cyborphic is getting ready to expand.
All this to say: if you’ve written something sci-fi, or if you want to be in something sci-fi, or if you’re just generally INTERESTED in sci-fi theatre: hit me up! Along with my work with Cyborphic, I’m just happy to meet like-minded folks and learn more about what people are making :)