Lots of voice work this month, with a recording to share!
-Booked a rather physical voice over job with Kode Media! Once we finished the main copy I got to jump up and dub in some action-sounds (Pressing benches! Flipping tires! Running a marathon through the woods…at 4am??? The joy of acting, you get to pretend to do things you would never, ever do…)
-Sang some new music at Crazy Coqs with Tim Shaw! I’m very lucky to have Tim as a friend; he’s a fantastic MD and composer, and every once in a while he sends me one of his new songs to try. This time he and John Myatt put together a spec for a full musical, and a few of us came in to try it in front of an audience! Speaking of:
-Throwback to when we recorded this…last year? Tim was on and off tour, and I was between flights to Dublin for filming, when he messaged and was like, “Can we record this TOMORROW?” I take pride in being a quick study though not quite a sight-reader, so we had a silly, speedy recording session the next day. I’ll add the full version to the Voice page soon, but here’s a preview: